
Front End Developer

Coder House

CoderHouse has a huge types of Careers and Courses. In my case i preferred Front-end Career because i like visual design, HTML and CSS. I've already learned how to use some tools as SCSS, Bootstrap and even Website SEO.

I'll begin with JavaScript and React after i finish the Web Development course. I recommend the plataform CoderHouse because is simple to understand and following with the classes. I'd like to continue learning more lenguages and tools as Vue, node.js, php and python.

Affiliate Marketing

Pilas Baby

I belive Affiliate Marketing is an excelent opportunity to create a little bussiness and earn experience being self-learner. All your efforts are equal to your earnings. All depends on you. But is easy to fail, because there're too many information and strategies. So, is really important test different strategies for certain time to make conclusions.

The main idea of Affiliate Marketing is to promote products from producers (people who have knowleadge about something) and for each sale earn a percentage of the net price (a commission). There're many methods and sales way but the most common are organically or with Ads.